
Do Lions Dream? Exploring the Sleep & Dreams of Animals

By: Bobbi Brink
Have you ever seen your cat twitch and let out little “meows” in its sleep or watched your dog’s paws move as if chasing something in a dreamscape? It’s enough to make anyone wonder: Do animals actually dream—and if so, what are they dreaming about? From lions dreaming in the savanna to bears tucked away […]
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What Are the Favorite Foods of Lions, Tigers & Bears?

By: Bobbi Brink
Did you know a lion can devour up to 75 pounds of meat at one time? Or that bears shift their eating habits depending on the season, going from fruits and vegetables to hunting small mammals? In the wild, each of these animals follow a unique menu of their favorite foods. Accredited sanctuaries strive to […]
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The Complete History of Animal Rights Activism

By: Bobbi Brink
Have you ever stopped to think about how our views on animals have changed over time? It’s fascinating to see how far we’ve come. Not too long ago, people rarely questioned the use of animals in circuses or even in scientific research labs. But now, we talk more about animal welfare, anti-cruelty laws, and the […]
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Winter Survival in the Wild: How Big Cats & Bears Adapt

By: Bobbi Brink
Winter can be brutal, even for some of the strongest animals in the wild. Freezing temperatures, scarce food, and harsh conditions can push them to their limits. Unless an animal is strong enough to endure, survival becomes nearly impossible.  That’s why most animals have evolved incredible ways to adapt to sub-freezing temperatures. Let’s explore how […]
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The Naughty List: Why Exotic Animals Should Never Be Holiday Gifts

By: Bobbi Brink
Do you want to end up on Santa’s naughty list this year? Because gifting an exotic animal as a holiday present is a fast track to get there. Sure, a tiger cub might sound like a cool, unique gift idea, but trust us, it’s not. The truth is, these animals always suffer, especially when they’re […]
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Holiday Magic at the Sanctuary: Giving Back to Lions Tigers & Bears

By: Bobbi Brink
The festive season is in full swing at Lions Tigers & Bears, and we couldn’t be more excited to share it with you. This year, we’re turning the sanctuary into a hub of holiday magic and cheer for our rescued wildlife and the fantastic supporters like you who make all this possible. Here are a […]
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Why Exotic Animals Aren’t Pets: Support Sanctuaries, Not the Exotic Pet Trade

By: Bobbi Brink
You’ve probably seen the viral videos—someone cuddling a tiger cub or posing with a “pet” bear. It’s cute, and maybe you’ve even thought, “Wow, I’d love to have an exotic animal like that.” But what we don’t see on social media are the challenges, dangers, and ethical issues tied to keeping wild animals as pets. […]
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In the Flame’s Wake: Challenges Bears Face After Wildfires

By: Bobbi Brink
Forest fires are a common occurrence in the United States. According to sources, there were 58,950 recorded cases in 2020 and 66,255 in 2022. These fires burn millions of acres of land and don’t just leave burnt trees and blackened ground. Wildfires disrupt entire ecosystems, pushing animals like bears into some tough situations. Sure, most […]
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Fierce Felines of the Jungle: Exploring the World of Wild Cats

By: Bobbi Brink
Most of us are fascinated by wild cats. Maybe it’s because they look a bit like our cats at home— the piercing eyes, smooth fur, the way they move, etc. But there’s also this wild beauty about them on a whole other level. And their sheer body size, they’re majestic and powerful, like they’re made […]
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