How Livestock Rescue Saves Our Farm Animal Friends

Farm animals are an important part of our lives. They serve as sources of companionship, and even therapy. But what most people do not know is that farm animals have feelings, needs, and desires. They form bonds with their caretakers and fellow herd members and experience fear, sadness, joy, etc. Yet, many farm animals suffer tremendously due to the conditions in which they are kept. From overcrowded and unsanitary living environments to the deprivation of necessities like shelter, or food and water, the realities of modern farming practices can be stark and distressing for these animals.

The livestock ranching industry is growing faster than any other agricultural sector in the world. However, this expansion often comes at a significant cost to animal welfare. In particular, animals raised for food, such as dairy cows and beef cattle, can be subjected to inhumane conditions and treatment. Dairy cows, for instance, endure rigorous milking schedules aimed at maximizing milk production.

The issue extends beyond traditional farm animals to include wild pigs. Despite their instincts and behaviors, they are often confined in cramped conditions or subjected to harsh handling methods, all in the pursuit of profit. There’s also concern about domesticating horses. While horses have a long history of partnership with humans, practices like overbreeding, intensive training methods, and inadequate care, can compromise their welfare.

This is why sanctuaries like Lions Tigers & Bears are at the forefront of raising awareness about the importance of ethical treatment and compassionate care for all animals. LTB also has an animal rescue site were rescued animals can get the care they deserve and enjoy a cruelty- free life.

farm animal rescue California livestock-ranching-animal-rescue-site-volunteer-opportunities-animal-cruelty-laws-San-Diego-California

Behind the Scenes of an Animal Rescue

LTB frequently participates in farm animal rescue operations all over the US. Here is how the process generally works.

Animal rescues typically begin with reports or alerts about animals in distress. These reports can come from various sources, including concerned citizens, law enforcement agencies, or animal welfare organizations. When we receive reports of animals in need, our team springs into action. First, we’ll provide a thorough medical evaluation before transport. Then we coordinate with authorities and other rescue organizations to safely transport the animals to our sanctuary.

Upon arrival at our sanctuary, the rescued animals receive immediate medical attention and are provided with a safe and comfortable environment. Our dedicated staff works tirelessly to rehabilitate the animals, addressing any physical or emotional trauma they may have endured.


Where the Animals Come From

The unfortunate reality is that many farm animals face neglect, abuse, and abandonment due to various reasons, including:

Some are victims of animal cruelty and exploitation. Through our efforts, we strive to give these animals a second chance at life and advocate for their welfare on a broader scale.

Domestic Animals at Lions Tigers & Bears

LTB is home to more than 19 different rescued species – including big cats and bears. But we also have horses, peacocks, goats, chickens, emus, sheep, mini horses, mini donkeys,  llamas, cattle, a tortoise and a macaw. We rescued most of these animals from local shelters, homes, zoos and other sources. 

Some, like Sadie the Bengal cat, were rescued in 2016 from Spirit of the Hills Sanctuary in South Dakota. The sanctuary was struggling to care of its 360+ animals and was shut down after failing a USDA inspection. We rescued Sadie together with Denali, the serval, and the two are now best friends. We moved all 360 animals which included a lot of birds.

Then there's Soho, the intelligent blue and gold macaw we rescued in 2008. He loves to greet our staff and volunteers with a big "Hello" and a "Goodbye" when they leave. He cackles loudly and even bobs to some tunes. Blue and gold macaws in captivity can live up to 70 years. This means they're a lifetime commitment and often outlive their owners (and sometimes, most family members).  

We also have Donashello, the tortoise, whose journey to our sanctuary began when his elderly owners could no longer care for him. When they reached out to us for help, we opened our doors to offer him the lifetime care he deserves. Now, Donashello enjoys the serenity of our sanctuary, where he can explore at his own pace and live out his days in peace.

Our farm animals include Jack, the miniature donkey, and his friend Spirit, the miniature horse, Margarito and Martine, the cows, along with Dusty, the mare, and Khaos, the gelding.


What does LTB Do for Farm Animals?

LTB is an accredited reputable farm animal rescue in California, committed to making a positive impact on animals' lives. We fulfill an essential role by rescuing farm animals who would otherwise most likely suffer from inhumane conditions.

Upon arrival at our sanctuary, farm animals undergo rehabilitation to heal from physical and emotional traumas. Our dedicated team of caretakers provides medical treatment, nutritional support, and behavioral enrichment to help these animals recover and thrive. From providing spacious, species-specific habitats and nutritious diets to offering veterinary care and emotional support, we ensure that every animal receives the highest standard of care for the rest of their lives.

In addition to providing direct care for farm animals, LTB advocates for their welfare on a broader scale. Through educational programs, outreach initiatives, and advocacy efforts, we raise awareness about the plight of farm animals and promote compassionate and ethical treatment for all animals.

How You Can Help


You can make a meaningful difference in the lives of farm animals by supporting Lions Tigers & Bears in various ways. One option is to make a tax-deductible donation to LTB, which directly contributes to the care and well-being of farm animals in need. Your financial support helps cover costs associated with rescue operations, veterinary care, habitat maintenance, and ongoing enrichment programs. This is why it’s important to make sure you only support accredited sanctuaries. 

We also have volunteer opportunities for those who are passionate about animal welfare to get involved firsthand. There's a lot you can do as a volunteer at LTB. You can help with daily care tasks, participate in habitat maintenance projects, or engage in educational outreach efforts. Your support makes a positive impact on the lives of animals and promotes a more compassionate world for all beings.

The Transformative Power of Volunteering With Animals

There's something truly magical about the bond between humans and animals. It's a connection that transcends words, a silent understanding that touches the deepest corners of our hearts. If you are looking for a way to give back, volunteering with animals can be an enriching and transformative experience.

Not only does it benefit the animals and the organizations that care for them, but it also has a profound impact on you. From increased empathy and compassion to community involvement and a greater sense of purpose, here's a look at how volunteering with animals can transform your life.

The Connection between Animals and Human Well-being

Animals have a unique ability to uplift our spirits and bring solace during times of distress. Numerous studies have shown that spending time with animals can reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure, and improve mood. The presence of animals releases oxytocin, often called the "love hormone," which fosters feelings of bonding and attachment. These effects extend even further when one engages in hands-on interactions, such as volunteering.

Responsible attentive young male volunteer caring for adorable hairy dog in animal shelter highlighting volunteer work mental well-being and professional development

Ways to Volunteer With Animals

You can volunteer with animals at a reputable and accredited sanctuary like Lions, Tigers, & Bears in various ways, depending on your interests, skills, and the types of animals you'd like to work with. These include:  

How Volunteering With Animals Can Transform Your Life

Woman volunteering in animal shelter emphasizing mental well-being professional development and personal growth

Volunteering at organizations like Lions Tigers & Bears isn't just about the animals—it's a journey of personal growth and transformation. At its core, it's about becoming more human. The act of caring for another being, understanding their needs, and responding to their emotions nurtures a profound sense of empathy. The responsibility of tending to the animals' well-being fosters a heightened sense of accountability. And the fulfillment derived from contributing to their happiness and comfort generates an unparalleled sense of purpose.

Here are some ways that volunteer experience can impact your life:

Make a Difference in the Lives of Animals

Volunteering with animals allows you to directly impact the well-being and quality of life of animals in need. When you contribute your time and efforts, you provide animals with care, attention, and love that they might not otherwise receive.

This sense of purpose and responsibility can bring profound satisfaction and fulfillment. Studies have shown that animal interaction can lead to increased feelings of happiness and contentment, and the act of helping animals can create a positive feedback loop of emotional and mental well-being.

Meet New People and Make New Friends

Volunteering often involves working alongside like-minded individuals who share your passion for animals. This provides a natural setting to meet new people and forge meaningful connections. Shared experiences and common goals can lead to the formation of solid friendships. A study published in the NIH journal found that volunteering can increase social integration and reduce feelings of loneliness.

Share Your Talent and Learn New Skills

Volunteering with animals allows you to contribute your existing skills and talents while learning new ones. Whether you have experience in animal care or are eager to learn, there are opportunities to develop expertise in animal care, communication, and teamwork. The acquisition of new skills can enhance your sense of personal growth and accomplishment. It can also add to your job experience, which is critical in professional development.

Feel Better About Yourself by Improving Your Self-Esteem and Confidence

Cat viewing itself as a lion in a mirror symbolizing volunteer work personal growth and job experience boosting self-esteem

The act of volunteering, particularly when it involves making a positive impact on animals, can boost self-esteem and confidence. Seeing the tangible results of your efforts and receiving appreciation from animals and fellow volunteers can lead to a greater sense of self-worth. Several studies show that longer volunteering is linked to a higher level of life satisfaction and self-esteem. The volunteer impact can also teach responsibility, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, all of which enhance confidence.

Combat Stress, Social Isolation, and Depression

Interacting with animals has been shown to have therapeutic effects on mental health. Spending time with animals can release oxytocin, a hormone that promotes feelings of bonding and reduces stress. An animal’s companionship and unconditional love can alleviate feelings of social isolation and depression.

Just the audio acknowledgement from a majestic animal like a lion or tiger elicits a connection with a profound effect. According to research, spending time with animals can lower stress levels and enhance emotional well-being.

Great Way to Get Outside

Animal-related volunteer work mainly involves outdoor activities, such as cleaning enclosures or participating in conservation efforts. Engaging in outdoor activities exposes you to fresh air and natural surroundings and encourages physical activity, which is beneficial for both mental and physical well-being. Lions, Tigers, & Bears is located in the beautiful hills of Alpine, bordering the Cleveland National Forest.

Remember that the transformative effects of volunteering with animals can vary from person to person, and the depth of impact often depends on the level of involvement and personal commitment. It's essential to choose opportunities that align with your interests and values to maximize the positive outcomes for both you and the animals you're helping.

Testimonial from Volunteers

As a volunteer, you will make a positive impact on the rescued animals that call Lions Tigers & Bears home. There are various rewarding opportunities to contribute, ranging from helping with fundraisers to building fences and caring for the animals. Each task plays a crucial role in the efficiency of our sanctuary. By volunteering, you'll experience the fulfillment of dedicating yourself to the commitment of helping animals in need.

As a volunteer, you may take on essential responsibilities such as food preparation, guiding visitors as animal ambassadors, cleaning the animal habitats, assisting the veterinary and keeper staff, performing general cleaning tasks, supporting daily educational visits, and even engaging in carpentry, plumbing, electrical work, fence building, and grounds maintenance.

Not only does volunteering benefit the animals, but it's also incredibly beneficial for your well-being. Studies conducted by the Corporation for National and Community Service reveal that giving back through volunteering can lower rates of depression, reduce the risk of disease, and potentially extend your lifespan by several years. Even dedicating as little as two hours a week to helping can have positive effects on your health and the well-being of our beloved animals.

Say Hello to Tammi and Craig

Let's introduce you to two of our remarkable volunteers, Tammi and Craig. They have been a vital part of Lions Tigers & Bears for three years, overseeing the care of our livestock. Tammi and Craig provide invaluable assistance to our expert keepers by engaging in various tasks such as habitat cleaning, grooming, walking the animals, and feeding them.

The special bond they have developed with the animals, particularly with a miniature horse and donkey Spirit, and Jack, is truly heartwarming to witness. The trust these animals place in Tammi and Craig is evident in the excitement they display when the volunteers arrive to take them on walks.

For Tammi and Craig, volunteering at Lions Tigers & Bears not only brings joy and peace to the animals but also adds a sense of fulfillment and happiness to their own lives. The beautiful facility and the opportunity to contribute to the well-being of these wonderful creatures have made their volunteer journey truly enriching. 

Take the first step today. Contact Lions Tigers & Bears and begin your volunteer journey. 

Healing Hearts: Humans and Animals Helping to Heal Each Other

In a world marked by constant hustle and bustle, stress, and the challenges of modern living, the healing power of connections has never been more vital. One particularly heartwarming and scientifically supported association is the bond between humans and animals. Beyond their roles as pets, such as dogs and cats, animals have shown an incredible capacity to heal our hearts in ways that transcend the ordinary. In this article, we delve into the remarkable healing connection between humans and animals, focusing on how human-animal interactions can bring emotional, physiological, and cognitive benefits.

The Therapeutic Bond between Humans and Animals

The bond between humans and animals has long been recognized as an avenue for emotional and psychological support. Many can attest to the solace found in the company of a loyal dog, the soothing presence of a cat's purring, or the gentle nuzzle of a horse. Wild animals also hold the power to establish a therapeutic bond with humans, even those as majestic and awe-inspiring as lions, tigers, and bears. This connection taps into a primal and universal affinity between species, rooted in the shared life experience on Earth.

Studies have shown that spending time with animals can promote happiness and reduce stress.  Other studies found that animals can elevate mood, decrease loneliness and increase feelings of social support. In a world where stress-related health issues are on the rise, this discovery has profound implications for our overall well-being.

How Animals Help Humans Heal

Happy impaired teenager playing with his dog at home highlighting mental health healing trauma and stress relief benefits from animal human friendship

Animals can contribute to human healing on various levels, offering numerous seen and unseen benefits. Their presence and interactions can profoundly impact well-being, providing comfort and promoting overall health. Here's how animals can help humans heal.

Overcoming  Trauma and Challenges

The therapeutic effect of interacting with animals is particularly evident in individuals who have experienced trauma or challenging life events. Studies have demonstrated that time spent with animals can play a significant role in healing trauma. Whether through direct interactions with therapy animals such as dogs or cats, or engaging in activities at an animal sanctuary, the human-animal bond fosters a sense of safety, trust, and comfort. This bond can be instrumental in helping individuals gradually overcome emotional wounds and regain a sense of normalcy. Animals – especially those rescued from abuse or neglect – show people how to learn to trust again, heal from past traumas, and share that love and bond when they connect with the person.

Emotional Support

Domestic animals offer unconditional love, companionship, and a nonjudgmental presence that can be incredibly soothing. The act of petting a domestic animal, listening to its purring or rhythmic breathing, and feeling its warmth can trigger the release of oxytocin—the hormone associated with bonding and stress reduction. This emotional connection fosters comfort and security, making animals invaluable companions during distress,  loneliness, or sadness. Researchers have discovered that not only do people experience a surge in oxytocin when they gaze into the eyes of dogs, but the same result occurs when they look at exotic animals.

Therapy dog visiting a young female patient in the hospital showcasing emotional healing healing trauma and stress relief

Stress Relief and Mental Health Enhancement

The unseen benefits of spending time with animals extend to stress relief and the enhancement of mental health. Research has consistently shown that animal interactions trigger the release of oxytocin, a hormone that promotes bonding and reduces stress. Petting a dog or observing the graceful movements of a cheetah or lion can induce feelings of calmness, lower blood pressure, and ease anxiety.

Mood Enhancement

Animals have the power to lift spirits and improve mood. Spending time with animals triggers the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which play essential roles in regulating mood and pleasure. This can be especially beneficial for individuals struggling with depression, anxiety, or mood disorders.

Empathy and Social Skills

Interacting with animals cultivates empathy development and social skills. Caring for animals encourages individuals to consider the needs of another living being, fostering qualities of compassion and understanding. This empathy extends to interactions with fellow humans, promoting healthier relationships and improved emotional intelligence.

How Humans Help Animals

Young adult man adopting adorable dog in animal shelter showcasing stress relief mental health and therapeutic benefits

Just as animals provide therapeutic benefits and emotional healing to humans, humans can be crucial in healing animals, particularly those in vulnerable or challenging situations. Here's how humans can make a positive impact on animals:

Animal Welfare

Humans are responsible for ensuring animals' welfare in various contexts, from domestic pets to animals in captivity. Providing proper care, nutrition, shelter, and medical attention ensures that animals live healthy and fulfilling lives.

Supporting an Animal Sanctuary

Sanctuaries provide safe havens for animals that have been rescued from abusive or neglectful situations. By supporting sanctuaries like Lions Tigers & Bears through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness, humans directly contribute to the well-being and care of these animals. The contributions create a ripple effect that extends far beyond the sanctuary's fences, touching lives in ways unseen yet deeply felt.

Conservation Efforts

Humans play a critical role in conserving and protecting animal species and habitats. Efforts to combat habitat destruction, poaching, and climate change are essential for preserving biodiversity and preventing the extinction of vulnerable species.

Stories Where Human-Animal Interaction Led to Profound Healing

At Lions Tigers & Bears, we have witnessed the transformative power of shared love for animals, which fosters profound connections of compassion and generosity among people. It takes a special individual to offer their attention, time, and energy to aid animals, and this commendable trait reflects their character, extending far beyond our sanctuary and into their communities.

In 2019, one of our devoted volunteers, Kenny, faced a devastating situation when his wife, Vicki, was diagnosed with kidney failure. For two years, Vicki endured ten hours of dialysis each day, with no guarantees as she waited on a transplant list. In a heartfelt plea posted on the Lions Tigers & Bears bulletin board, Kenny received three responses. One response came from our very own team member, Kathleen, who turned out to be a perfect match. In a remarkable act of kindness, Kathleen selflessly donated her kidney to Vicki, determined to save her life. The transplant procedure was a success, and today, Vicki is fully recovered and living a healthy, fulfilling life. This incredible journey began with a common connection to animals, demonstrating that animals not only offer therapeutic help to humans mentally and physically but also have the power to bring people together in support of each other.

At Lions Tigers & Bears, we celebrate the incredible bond between humans and animals, recognizing how it can inspire extraordinary acts of kindness and compassion. Our community stands as a testament to the profound impact of this connection, reminding us that when we come together, we can create miracles and change lives for the better.