In late August 2011, we put to rest our beloved Bobcat, Bob.This brave little cat tried hard but was overcome by severe medical conditions that had hurt him for many months. In addition to old age, he had signs of arthritis, heart murmurs and high blood pressure. All of that and finally kidney failure were simply too much for Bob to endure.Bob was given the best veterinary care possible and made comfortable up until his passing.Bob came to us from very sad conditions. After being captured in the wild, he was kept in a backyard rabbit hutch for many years. When Bob arrived to Lions Tigers & Bears, he was covered with bald and bloody abrasions, and was anemic, covered in fleas and couldn't stand. His eyes were severely infected; we thought he was blind. All four of his canine teeth were broken off.But given medical care, love and a safe home, Bob had the strength to recover, and live the reminder of his life in surroundings that he enjoyed-and he was never hungry again, playing running and jumping, and greeting everyone who came up to him. Bob was so happy living with his fellow bobcats, Gizmo and young RJ, and his buddy Tuffy the serval.