Eddie was bred in captivity by known wildlife traffickers who traveled from hotel room to hotel room to handle him and use him as a photo opportunity. Then he was sold again, this time as a pet. Only a few weeks after being purchased as a pet, Eddie was then abandoned at our sanctuary gates. Eddie is a victim of the exotic animal trade.
While we provided excellent care to Eddie, during the first year under our care we weren't able to share much about his story while U.S. Fish & Wildlife service investigated his case. However, in October 2022, officials filed a criminal complaint against two individuals involved in the trafficking of this endangered species. Those individuals were prosecuted.
Eddie officially became a part of our Lions Tigers & Bears family shortly after. As a healthy young jaguar, he is thriving in our sanctuary environment and we are relieved to be able to provide him with a permanent lifetime home at Lions Tigers & Bears. Eddie will need a lifetime of care, including a species-specific diet, enrichment and veterinary care as he continues to grow and develop.
Eddie is just one of thousands of animals who have had to endure the abuse of illegal wildlife trafficking - but TOGETHER we are doing something about it.