Soho is a blue and gold macaw that was rescued in 2008. Macaws are highly intelligent creatures, and Soho is no different. He loves to greet our volunteers and staff with a big "HELLO" through out the day - and he always says "GOOD BYE" as everyone clears the sanctuary at days end. Soho is known to cackle loudly, and even enjoy bobbing to some tunes. Our keepers and dedicated volunteers are always swapping out new additions to his aviary to keep him stimulated as mental well-being is paramount for captive macaws. Soho loves special enrichment treats, raw nuts and fresh fruits.
In captivity, blue and gold macaws can easily live over 70 years. Born in 1985, Soho has plenty of happy years ahead of him. The long life span of these amazing birds is a major reason why so many end up being relinquished or abandoned by their owners. It is a lifelong commitment that should be taken seriously, as the bird will likely outlive its owner more times than not.