Cherry Bomb

Species: Ursus arctos
Born: 1/31/2006
Rescued: 5/23/2014
Gender: Female
Favorite Food: hotdogs
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Species: Ursus arctos

Meet Cherry Bomb, Our Grizzly Bear

In 2019, Brother Albert sadly passed away after battling cancer, leaving a void in the lives of those who cared for him. Cherry Bomb, his companion through their shared experiences, had a journey fraught with challenges.

Cherry Bomb and her brother Albert had a difficult start in life. They were born at the Cherokee Bear Park Zoo, often referred to as the "Cherokee pits" due to the bears being kept in concrete pits, with visitors tossing food down to them. Cherry and Albert were initially used as cub petting props, a practice that involved declawing Cherry to prevent any potential scratching and extend their use in cub petting. However, as they grew too large for this purpose, they found themselves at an exotic animal auction in Ohio, separated from each other.

Cherry Bomb's life continued to be marked by uncertainty as she was shuffled around between several roadside zoos in North and South Carolina. Eventually, she ended up in the care of a private couple who already had two Himalayan black bears named Teddy and Baloo. A year later, the same couple purchased Albert, reuniting the long-separated siblings.

The owners struggled to provide adequate care for Cherry, Albert, Teddy, and Baloo. Recognizing the need for a more suitable home, they reached out to LTB for help. Bobbi and the LTB Rescue Team responded to the call and, in May 2014, made the journey to North Carolina to rescue these four bears.

Cherry Bomb and Albert, who had experienced much hardship, were finally given the opportunity to liv a healthy life in a habitat specifically designed to address their unique health issues. Cherry has continued to thrive even after her brother's passing, enjoying a life filled with care, comfort, and the companionship of Teddy and Ba loo, who now also call LTB home.

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